Feb 28th was the day I decided to put aside my fears and stop creating obstacles and blockages for myself but to just bloody create an IG account for our diamonds and submitted my first post - it was a picture of 2 cocktail rings. A very lame and unexciting picture but I tried to spice it up with quirky catchy captions.
Here begins our journey of #real … so what does it really mean or stand for, many would ask and the bigger question is - Why are we not taking proper professional photos with proper beautiful models and their gorgeous hands and other body parts lol? The answer is simple … Life is REAL and in reality, no one looks perfect or appear perfect or have perfect skin, body parts or have a perfect life per se. The only thing that represents perfection here are the real natural diamonds which we painstakingly filter and choose from many imperfect diamonds out there. How’s that for a sales pitch lol!
So here we are back again but this time, doing things differently .. a new era, a new beginning #realdiamonds for #realwomen because lets face it, being #real is refreshing, rejuvenating and empowering.
I’m Fran for those who might know me from before already (for both bad and good reasons, I hope the latter outweighs the former) and we’ll be sharing our #real love and passion for #realdiamonds in the most raw, candid, unedited way.
We may be doing things differently but some things remain unchanged - 3Qs.
Quality Diamonds
Quality Craftsmanship
Quality Service
